
這幾個禮拜真是讓全家人都累死了!因為新家的裝潢還沒好, 舊家房東又要收回房子~我們必須去旅館住兩個禮拜, 然後又從飯店check out飛回澎湖參加爺爺喪禮, 然後又回來到新家住, 裝潢還是沒好~只好每天帶小王子到外面流浪, 可能因為這樣, 小王子發燒到40度~可憐!醫生說是玫瑰疹, 果然燒三天就不燒了~但是變得超級無敵歡歡!每天一直哭哭哭~一直喊媽咪媽咪媽咪~我都快崩潰了!

今天是聖誕節~也是小王子懂事以來的第一個聖誕節!我們沒有辦法在新家慶祝, 也沒有去別人家慶祝, 小王子還一直哭哭哭哭~哭到我好生氣!還打了他的屁屁~><~我只好想上帝祈禱, please bring peace to Jadan, no matter what makes him feel unsafty, feel sad, feel bad, please take these all away, by your name, Jesus, everything that makes Jadan cry all go away! Please make Jadan feel better of his body and mind, make him healthy like before, make him laugh and dance like before, thank you God, you are the only true God, my only one God, under your name Jesus, Amen! 禱告完神奇的是, 小王子就不哭了, 我真的感覺到他有比較平靜, 神~你真是太棒了!謝謝!!

Thank you God to make me surprise agian on this holly X'mas, Thank you and worship you!!


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